Hello, I’m Daniel and I’m an addict, a drama addict, it’s all William’s fault.
Drama addiction is a serious condition, which is perfectly described below:-
The audience will do anything to spend time with a great character. We’re junkies for it. We’ll gnaw our own arms off to hang out once more with a killer character. It’s why sequels and series are so popular: because we want to see where the character’s going. You give us a great character, our only desire becomes to lick him like he’s a hallucinogenic toad and take the crazy trip-ass ride wherever he has to go.
source : http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2011/06/07/25-things-you-should-know-about-character/
I was perfectly happy watching characters dive heroically away from explosions and marry the bloke who murdered their sister, but then I fell in with the shady Ceefax crowd where William mercilessly pushed The West Wing and suddenly I was getting through a box of VHS a night.
When the authorities eventually shut Ceefax down the whole scene moved online. Every week he convinced us to try something new, the latest thing.
I was a long time listener of his excellent UK DVD Review podcast, its premise was simple, William did his best to get you to watch shows he loved. And it worked, roughly a year after the last podcast I’m still working my way through all the excellent suggestions.
It’s thanks in large part to that podcast that i’m the drama addict I am, and I’m always looking for that new high, and since there is only so much I can pester William for recommendations now that he’s busy with adventures in time and space, I thought the best way to find those new highs was to rant at people about TV and hope a few of them rant back. It seemed to work for him.
Unfortunately I don’t have the voice for Radio, or the time or the patience, so i’ve started a blog instead.
So what can you expect from the site? Basically whenever I’ve something to say about a TV show or film which is longer than 140 characters I’ll be posting it here. In practice my aim is to post about once a week about whatever I’ve been watching recently and pieces will take two forms, me introducing a show you might not have tried yet and other more in-depth mildly spoilerish review pieces.
Other peoples rants
I’m also hoping to link to other peoples rants about TV that I find compelling, so if you write or read something on another blog you think fits the bill then send it my way and I’ll take a look.
Who am I?
I’m Daniel Hardy, a 24 year old web developer and TV addict. I work full time as a web monkey coding bespoke internal web-tools for companies of various sizes.
During it’s 8 year run I regularly updated and ran the 24 (my first TV addiction) fansite cleverly named 24fans.com, it’s still up there but its now a place for occasional whispers about a possible big screen outing.
Another personal aim for this blog, is that while I’m fairly intelligent and articulate with the spoken word, often the written word can forsake me ever so slightly, the product of txt, twitter and internet forums. Hopefully writing a couple of hundred words every week about TV shows i’m passionate about will help rectify that.
Further reading/listening
As there isn’t anything else currently on the site for you to read, below is some further reading and listening to help make you an addict just like I am.
- UK DVD Review : Can’t Shut Up About Specials – William goes on and on about his favourite shows even more than usual
- 24fans.com – “Time’s Up” – A review (spoilers!) of the ’24’ season 7 finale, where I argue that this should be the last we see of Jack Bauer